Chair for sale in Chicago
The best part about Chicago is that you can find some really great deals on furniture! While in Chicago, I was surfing on Craig's List ...
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Made up internet statistics up 78%
COLUMBUS-(HJ) Made up internet statistics are up a staggering 78% over the past six months, reported researchers from The Ohio University Sc...
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The Official Kit Peery Bike Shirt
My newest t-shirt design at is a tribute to my friend Kit: Check it out at
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The old man note
While in Chicago this weekend, Eric shared with us a story about this note: Eric was seeking a parking spot in downtown Chicago. When he fo...
Kit Paints
I think the lesson here is never leave Kit alone with a can of paint and a brush. Oh. And when Kit asks about the bike shirt, just say, ...
We are in Chicago
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Jesus at Christmas
Young Jesus: Play Ball!
Milk Sales Are Up 400%
Photo by Freckled Jenn
Ready for Battle
Ask HolyJuan: Who's hotter - Chelsea or Bristol?
Dear HolyJuan, Who's hotter, Chelsea Clinton or Bristol Palin? Signed, Sr. Blanco P.S. Could you expand the question to include...
How big is the hole in your bumper?
Freckled Jenn made a slight spacial error and backed her car into her husband's jeep. It left a hole in her bumper. I asked her how bi...
My Scrabble score
You'd never know it, but I love Scrabble. Here's my Scrabble name score: Pholph's Scrabble Generator My Scrabble© Score is: 21....
I found your wrench
Several of these concrete benches line the driveway in front of my office. If you lost a wrench, I think I have found it. The concrete arou...
They will never miss it
(Click to enlarge) Original artwork from
Jesus... that's morbid (explained)
I have received a surprising number of e-mails concerning the "Jesus... that's morbid" cartoon asking me what the fuck is goin...
Staff Pick o' the Month at Skreened
Daniel at Skreened picked my "I am a genus" t-shirt as one of his favorites this month . Someday, I might actually sell a freakin...
A treesome
The tree in the middle looks to be the male. He also looks to be circumcised. Image from American Bushman .
Michelle is with us is spirit and in cardboard
Michelle is in New York, but she also hangs with us in Columbus. You can read Michelle over at Subway Seat for 3 . The complete set of photo...
Instant Network
Photo via,1518,grossbild-1445713-609718,00.html
Cheese, Egg and Pancake Sandwich
Greg was hooked on the McGriddle and we couldn't afford his habit. A month in the St. Bernice of the Heathen Springs Rehab got the toxi...
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