Greg Eats
"Cotton candy is alchemy that even a 5 year old boy can understand."
Governor Palin's Experience
What's the first thing McCain did to his VP choice?
A story (ending) for Dustin
Dustin and I were communicating via e-mail when I said that once he became famous, he should consider me for a role in a film as the pervert...
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The Turtle and the Universe
I read Stephen Whitt’s book “ The Turtle and the Universe ” because it seemed interesting, but mainly because I work with the guy and I thou...
Erik Eats: World Traveler seeks 7-11 Snack
Erik is hungry. By my calculations, he hasn’t eaten in about four months. Lucky for him, he could use the weight loss. Erik’s crack team o...
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You won the bet
About eight months ago, I lost a bet to Conny because Ohio State could not put their money where my mouth was. As I am not a welsher on be...
Picasso's team never won at Pictionary
You're doing a great joerb
I bought the HomeStar Runner T-shirt three years ago for Greg. The smallest size was way too big for him then, so we packed it away. Last w...
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Unbelievable, but I still believe
For a few days now, I’ve been thinking about the moment when Obama announces Hillary as his running mate. I think it could have happened. ...
Did you mean Ohio University
And who could ever doubt Google? See you on September 6th !!
Meshell is Talented
My very good friend Meshell is very talented. Please check out her stuff at this site: Also, please convinc...
BAC Calculator - 12 oz Malt Liquor
I'm not sure where the guys at the University of Oklahoma Police Department buy their malt liquor, but where I come from, it only comes...
Grilling at Steve's
This was delicious.
In Search of Sleepy Scott
Sleepy Scott was not at Micky’s tonight at 12:45am. Though the cast of characters he describes was. From my readings, here’s who I saw tha...
Obama's Vice President Short List
As Tall as Cliffs
I might be very very gay, but I love this song.
The Robots are waiting
The Robots are waiting. We wait for our maker to return. We watch old videos of Dr. Hasp. He is our God, but very, very fallible and probab...
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Dyslexic people made bad Jedis
Of course, Jedis is a totally acceptable plural form of the word of Jedi.
Hot Slide
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McCain's Short List for Vice President
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I Was Right (and now it doesn't matter)
Years ago when David Byrne's "Look into the Eyeball" album came out, I argued with several people about the nature of the song...
The Baby Bird that Flew Away
A few weeks ago, Greg and the neighbor girl happened upon a baby bird that was hopping through the back yard. I had them watch it from a dis...
What happened to your little friend?
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Shot in the ass
I have strep again for the second time in two weeks. The first time I was prescribed the antibiotic penicillin. I was confused at the pharm...
Analysts Predict $100 Drop in Oil Price with Obama Election Win
ATHENS, OH – Researchers at The Ohio University School of Foreign Economics and Petroleum Studies have predicted a major drop in oil prices ...
"Stay Out Daddy"
My five year old was ticked off at me and decided that he wanted a sign on his bedroom door saying, "Stay Out Daddy." I obliged an...
Quite possibly the worst advertisement ever
This was from our weekly "Suburban News." I'll give it one kudos... it got my attention. This is quite amazing. I don't ...
A few years back, our design team was involved in a large exhibit installation out of state. We’d drive out early on Monday, stay at a hote...
Ask HolyJuan: Inhospitable in NYC
Dear Holy, My stepmother recently called to ask if her sister's son could stay with me when he attends a week-long conference in my town...
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Automatic Dial of 9-1-1
Back in ye old days, you’d mash some buttons on the phone keypad and when the network figured out that the combination of numbers was a full...
An Open Letter to Sarah Silverman
Dear Ms. Silverman, Hello and greetings from the far east end of the Midwest. My name is Doug and you and I are destined to have sex. I kn...
Laminated List Week
It’s the last week of July and you know what that means! It’s UPDATE YOUR LAMINATED LIST week. As you all know, a laminated list is the thre...
McCain's Straight Talk Express Tour Schedule
Photo via .
Good Morning Jon
Good Morning Jon, Your wife is slowly bleeding out her belly button. We did some calculations and we figure she will bleed to death in 8.9 ...
Randy Pausch (October 23, 1960 – July 24, 2008)
Randy Pausch has died and I am very, very sad.
Ask HolyJuan: 614-GAY-IDOL
I understand that several of my readers do not have hands or are busy with their hands while reading my site. I have taken this into conside...
Schnuckelputz: Putting “ass” in the glass
We were in Athens, OH this past weekend for an Ohio University reunion of friends. In all, about eighteen of us made our way back to OU to ...
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