Automatic Dial of 9-1-1
Back in ye old days, you’d mash some buttons on the phone keypad and when the network figured out that the combination of numbers was a full...
An Open Letter to Sarah Silverman
Dear Ms. Silverman, Hello and greetings from the far east end of the Midwest. My name is Doug and you and I are destined to have sex. I kn...
Laminated List Week
It’s the last week of July and you know what that means! It’s UPDATE YOUR LAMINATED LIST week. As you all know, a laminated list is the thre...
McCain's Straight Talk Express Tour Schedule
Photo via .
Good Morning Jon
Good Morning Jon, Your wife is slowly bleeding out her belly button. We did some calculations and we figure she will bleed to death in 8.9 ...
Randy Pausch (October 23, 1960 – July 24, 2008)
Randy Pausch has died and I am very, very sad.
Ask HolyJuan: 614-GAY-IDOL
I understand that several of my readers do not have hands or are busy with their hands while reading my site. I have taken this into conside...
Schnuckelputz: Putting “ass” in the glass
We were in Athens, OH this past weekend for an Ohio University reunion of friends. In all, about eighteen of us made our way back to OU to ...
Fark Photoshop 7-23-08
My entry on Fark for a Photoshop post. I just realized my ball is the mouse and that's not how it works... Fixed...
Ruined Photo
Don't you hate it when you take a great photo and then it is ruined by one person in the background?
Scam Baiting Dating {The FINAL update}
I have jumped back into the ScamBaiting game again. This one is especially good because it involves a woman or a man pretending to be a wo...
3-Word Commentary on
Check out Charles' "3-Word Commentary" on his site . It's in the left column. As he explains: "It...
Ohio BMV to allow emoticons on license plates
COLUMBUS, OH- The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles is allowing Ohio motorists to communicate their feelings on their license plates through som...
What are you thinking about, honey?
Which character does not belong with the others?
Greg and I were playing Garbage Masher on the website when this quiz question came up: And of course the answer was obvious:
Tips for Meeting Your Future Self
At some point, time travel will be invented and your future self will come back to warn you about something. Be prepared by following these...
Insight Communications Deceptive Envelope
My friend Keegan shared with me a few weeks ago about a deceptive envelope he received from Insight Communications on the same day he receiv...
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Just when you thought you would never meet that perfect someone
CLICK TO ENLARGE I saw these two folks at Comfest 2008 in Columbus, OH. I'm all about personal freedoms, but damn... that's just gr...
Forehead Spider Tattoo
In the springtime at OU, it was very easy to spend hours in the doorway that led to Dominic, John and Chris’ apartment above Mountain Leathe...
Greg Catches a Fish
The Fisherman
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The Worst Bachelor Party Ever
As a rule, bachelor parties cannot be discussed with anyone outside of other males. As a female, the answer you will get when asking what t...
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