Chinese Job Fair
Chinese Job Fair , originally uploaded by holyjuan . Here is a shot from a Chinese job fair from a few days ago.
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Two of Every Kind
Once again, Greg came up with a great, off-season idea yesterday. He wanted to make lemonade. He seemed excited about the prospect so I to...
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I own my ex-employer’s domain name. What should I do with it? (updated)
I got laid off a few weeks ago. Work was slow. The company has been going through some tough times. I was actually happy to leave. A year...
Jesus at the Chinese Buffet
Wu-Tang Clan Venn Diagram
Thanks Carpanza!
John picked me up last night to get a drink. Most the bars in Columbus would be closed for Thanksgiving, but Byrnes would not. It tends to...
Jesus has Toast for Breakfast
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PETA Plans for Protest of Python
I couldn’t believe it when I read this. Take a look at this news release from PETA -
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Overcome by Emotion
Erik and Dave could not help themselves yesterday during the Ohio State win over Michigan. When the game was in the bag, they took the oppo...
Fix your virginity
If you lose your virginity and want to get it fixed, would you go to a cherry cobbler?
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One Button Elevator?
Here is my doctor’s office elevator panel inside the elevator. And here is my question: why should a building with only two floors have an ...
What happens after you eat a whole box of Boo Berry?
The kid flew around the house for about twenty minutes. The wife said his arms would give out, but they never did. We finally got a broom ...
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Nigerian 419 Scam... the Truth
Spot the Difference - Pirates
Can you see the three differences between the two photos? 1. sword missing 2. bead not dangling in face 3. hair out of place
Angry Sheep
This sheep scares me. He lives at the Columbus Zoo and when we visit, I always take his photo so that I can show other people why he scares...
Fox News Suffers Due to Writers Strike
The writers’ strike in Hollywood has programs like “The Tonight Show” and “The Office” stuck in rerun limbo. The strike has also affected F...
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Young Love
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The Official List of Nudie Bar Rules
1. NO BODY GLITTER! LET THIS BE THE FIRST LAW. 2. All stripper perfume is allowed to initially smell like cotton candy or vanilla, but withi...
Can you believe this product?
Miss Shelly saw this in a magazine, thought of me and cut it out. Thanks… A drop of this miracle liquid in the toilet bowl is reported supp...
Goodnight Nobody…… I hope
I am in round two of reading books like “Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd to my second kid. Way back in round one, I...
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Cancer Awareness Idiot
I saw this woman throw her cigarette out her window and then noticed her personalized Breast Cancer Awareness license plate. Idiot. Perhaps ...
The Display of Chokables
This is one of eight or nine "high-up" places in the house where we put the small items that Ann might choke on. 99% of these ite...
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Zoo Annual Meeting
Rudy Giuliani has a dream
Rich men can afford to get into heaven
A room divided
Noah's dilemma
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Jesus buys furniture
Unfortunate CNN headline placement
Fundamentalist Swimwear
Stephanie sent me an e-mail with a link to . What a treat! Who knew that there was such a resource for my Fundamenta...
Jesus cartoon phase
I am sorry for my recent Jesus cartoon phase. I can't seem to get the big guy out of my head. Give me a few days to get out of this rut...
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Jesus was a carpenter
Jesus finds a bag of money
Jesus at the company picnic
Jesus on a rollercoaster
The Snowball Fight
Here is an entry for Handsome Joe, though you all have my permission to take a peek. Joe, remember this night? See below for a translation....
Skinny Dipping on Both Coasts
I used to love to go skinny dipping. Usually with a drink in to get the inhabitation out. Usually with some girl I was after and sadly som...
Bolt meets windshield
Check out this photo from . Ouch. That made me want to look for other windshield debris: Bike
Tasty vs Smelly
How much money do you have?
Greg brought me a Star Wars product catalog and started pointing out all the things he wanted. It would have been quicker for him to show m...
Train Wreck
Train Wreck , originally uploaded by puzzlemaster . We went out for Dave's Birthday last night. I did not plan my eating/drin...
DNA Bench with H2O
DNA Bench , originally uploaded by Informal Learning Experiences . Here is a great example of when artistic design gets a slap in ...
What kind of company logo/mascot is this?
We saw this logo on the side of a company van today: (image from What the fuck is that! That rat has one hell of...
Verizon gets your consent by not getting your consent.
Verizon’s definition of “getting your consent” is not getting your consent and unless you un-give them the original assumption of consent, y...
Work Conversation by Two-Sack
Team member X: "Your computer is disgusting, and your keyboard is crusty." Two-Sack: "You got something against DNA, a-hole?...
Hanging out at the water cooler
This photo is so wrong on so many levels. That is a plastic thumb hanging out of my shirt. I'm not sure what those stains are. That l...
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