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sarah palin
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Showing posts with label
sarah palin
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Same Person?
You can't tell me the same person wrote both these tweets:
Sarah Palin's Top 10 Choices for Vice President
Sarah Palin Begins to Interview Potential Presidential Candidates to Run with in 2012
COLUMBUS (HJ ) - Many guessed that Ex-Governor Sarah Palin would run in 2012, but all that was speculation until today. Sarah Palin announc...
A Page from Sarah Palin's Rider
Sarah Palin's top secret rider was recently found in a trash can outside of California State University Stanislaus. A rider is part of ...
Palin Plans Pregnancy for 2012 Presidential Run
ANCHORAGE, AK (HJ) - Sources say that Sarah Palin has a major trick up her sleeve for her 2012 Presidential run, though the sleeve isn’t ex...
Try using the "whole" quote
Sarah Palin sent out a Tweet yesterday asking her followers to remember Martin Luther King Jr. I can see how Palin, who has been under a li...
During this time of tragedy, Sarah Palin wants you to donate... to her PAC
Sarah Palin made a plea to all her Twitter followers to donate by going to her Facebook page and clicking on some links: But when you go to ...
Fixing Palin
Did you know that Sarah Palin has a Twitter account ? You should check it out because it is quite hilarious. She types with the ferocity o...
Sarah Palin will be remembered for ions to come
Here, ladies and gentlemen, is the next President of the United States on Twitter: Scientific advice from someone who doesn't know ions ...
Palin Waves Off Presidential Bid in 2012, Instead Aims at Running for Vice President
COLUMBUS OH (HJ) - Sarah Palin announced today from her book signing tour that she will not be seeking the Presidential bid in 2012. “Inst...
Scientists open portal into McCain/Palin parallel universe
ATHENS, OH (HJ) – Extremely conservative scientists Dr. Handons and Dr. Remerick were dismayed earlier today after their successful opening ...
Palin Preparing to Run for President in 2009
PROLIFIA, ALASKA- On an unusually warm day in Alaska, Governor Sarah Palin announced that she will be running for the office of the Presiden...
I skiped school to see Sarah
Palin's Plan
Sarah Palin chooses “Joe the Plumber” as her Vice Vice President
ST. LOUIS, Missouri (HJN) – In an unprecedented turn of events, Governor Sarah Palin has announced that “Joe The Plumber” Wurzelbacher will...
1 comment:
Greg and Dad - The Debate
(I have to assume that McCain is the one with four light sabers (a la General Grievous.)
Sarah Palin's Glasses Secret
Republican National Committee Preempts God and Puts Palin at Top of Ticket
WASHINGTON DC – In another unpredictable and bold move, the Republican National Comittee has decided to shift Sarah Palin up as the nominee ...
Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Photo via Jim Wilson/The New York Times
Palin's foreign affairs experience is put to the test
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