I decided to do some research in the Columbus yellow pages to see what I could find.
Plumbers Love Jesus
I don't know why, but plumbers use the Jesus Fish more than any other advertiser. Here are a few plumbing examples:
Fisting Jesus Lover- This guy is putting out multiple messages here:

These plumbers love Jesus so much, they have integrated him into their logos.

This guy has gone completely overboard.

This home inspector may love the Lord Jesus Christ, but it seems like Jesus Fish is chasing the guy. (The guy also looks pretty fem):

I had to include this photo because it freaks me out. There are certain rules about putting your photo in the yellow pages and this lady has broken at least six of them.

I am confused by these fishes.
This fish says "Since 1974." Does that mean that before 1974 they were Pagans? Or is this more Bible math that squeezes our history down into 5,000 years?

Stop Jesus? Stop using Jesus in advertising? I don't get it.

Where's the fish?
I was concerned because there were several places that I did not see Jesus Fish where I thought I should:
Come on. Jesus was a carpenter.

Gee Whiz! I thought there would be a Jesus Fish in every advert. But none. Zip. Seems that churches don’t feel the need to prostitute Jesus out to get their customers. (Well, at least not in the yellow pages.)

There was not Jesus symbol here, so I added my own.

There's just no reason for an aquarium place to use the Jesus Fish. That's just over the top.

I’m not saying I agree, but this extermination company seems to advertise that they get rid of most common pests.