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We miss Meshell
Meshell was in town a few weeks ago. We miss her a bunch, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do. Check her out at: http://subwayseatfo...
Subway Seat for 3
Michelle packed up, left Columbus and got a job in New York City. She and her two buddies have a website you should check out: http://subway...
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Digital sometimes doesn't look better
Things to do at Skully's UPDATE with photos
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the Things to do at Skully’s on Ladies’ 80’s . I’ve got part of the list below and I wanted to share with yo...
Meshell is Talented
My very good friend Meshell is very talented. Please check out her stuff at this site: Also, please convinc...
Free to HolyJuan fans! The Power of Soup
Two years ago, I thought that I should write a children’s book, get published and make a shitload of money. So I got together with my illus...
Doug Dances
The theme for one of the napkin drawing series last night was "Doug Dances." I'll leave it up to you to connect the dots. Th...
Find the Stuff
See if you can find the stuff in this napkin drawing by Meshell. The Stuff: Hamburger Wine Bottle Mouse Ear of Corn Fish Banana Heart Star W...
I am just now getting over the flu. I’ve never had the flu and I picked a really poor time to have a first go at it. It started around noo...
Thank you Lia. Thank you Meshell.
Over a year ago Lia suggested I start this site. I thought she was nuts. Soon after the site was up, she suggested I get business cards. I...
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Draw to the right
This is the last Meshell - Shorty - Doug napkin drawing post. I swear. Really! This was one of the first sketches we did which was to draw...
Decisions, decisions
I drew the first sketch. Meshell fleshed it out. I'm not sure what the sketch was supposed to represent. If this was some kind of Soph...
Napkin canvases
Last night, Meshell, Shorty and I got together at B Hamptons to get a drink. During one of Shorty’s five trips outside to talk on the phone...
ComFest 2006
I would like to think that this year’s ComFest was supposed to be about music, community and the celebration of diversity. The most enterta...
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