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John McCain
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Showing posts with label
John McCain
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Scientists open portal into McCain/Palin parallel universe
ATHENS, OH (HJ) – Extremely conservative scientists Dr. Handons and Dr. Remerick were dismayed earlier today after their successful opening ...
McCain's an underdog to the end
GOP confident in scheme to dupe Dems with election day switch
COLUMBUS, OH – There were rounds of high fives and chest bumps at an undisclosed Republican office this Monday night. They were celebrating...
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Screenshot of John McCain's 1/2 hour infomercial
Palin's Plan
Jesus Votes
Sarah Palin chooses “Joe the Plumber” as her Vice Vice President
ST. LOUIS, Missouri (HJN) – In an unprecedented turn of events, Governor Sarah Palin has announced that “Joe The Plumber” Wurzelbacher will...
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Another wonderful bumper sticker from a McCain supporter
I couldn't believe this bumper sticker when I saw it. I was hoping that I was misreading it somehow. I wasn't. **edit** That photo ...
Greg and Dad - The Debate
(I have to assume that McCain is the one with four light sabers (a la General Grievous.)
Republican National Committee Preempts God and Puts Palin at Top of Ticket
WASHINGTON DC – In another unpredictable and bold move, the Republican National Comittee has decided to shift Sarah Palin up as the nominee ...
Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Photo via Jim Wilson/The New York Times
Who will McCain choose once Palin drops off the ticket?
I do not want to debate whether or not Governor Palin is going to drop off McCain’s ticket as Vice President… that is pretty much a given. ...
McCain's Plan B
Governor Palin's Experience
What's the first thing McCain did to his VP choice?
McCain's Short List for Vice President
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Analysts Predict $100 Drop in Oil Price with Obama Election Win
ATHENS, OH – Researchers at The Ohio University School of Foreign Economics and Petroleum Studies have predicted a major drop in oil prices ...
McCain's Straight Talk Express Tour Schedule
Photo via .
A question for Senator Clinton
Will somebody please pose this question to Senator Clinton: In the general election versus McCain, if she were to win more Electoral Colleg...
Huckabee's Annoucement
Photo by David Ball (
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