In light of several recent natural disasters around the globe, the government of Greece decided to try something different. In 2010, when Haiti was struck with their natural disaster, the international community decided to forgive Haiti’s debts.
So Greece decided to fake a massive earthquake.
It started with an organized Twitter campaign to begin a viral news event.

As the Tweets ramped up, #greece #earthquake and #IFeltIt began to trend. As usual with Twitter, when one person claimed they felt an earthquake, others began to think they too had felt the earthquake.
The borders of Greece were closed to all media to keep them “out of harms way.”
The government began to release photos of the devastation.
MEMORIAL (TRANSLATION: Ranstooplooolis Gyro Cart - CLOSED)

Within the first hour of the news, sixty three thousand charities popped up in the United States. Within two hours, there were eight celebrity videos. By nine o'clock that evening, there were two made for television movies in the can. And by midnight, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt had adopted 426 Grecian orphans.
The fake earthquake ultimately failed after the Greek government neglected to share this plan with the general population of Greece. As people called in to loved ones and to check on damage, the population had no clue what anyone was talking about.
In less than 24 hours the charade was over with the Government of Greece explaining that it was all one big misunderstanding and that it hoped it would be able to return the donated 1.7 billion dollars over the next 50 years.

Within the first hour of the news, sixty three thousand charities popped up in the United States. Within two hours, there were eight celebrity videos. By nine o'clock that evening, there were two made for television movies in the can. And by midnight, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt had adopted 426 Grecian orphans.
The fake earthquake ultimately failed after the Greek government neglected to share this plan with the general population of Greece. As people called in to loved ones and to check on damage, the population had no clue what anyone was talking about.
In less than 24 hours the charade was over with the Government of Greece explaining that it was all one big misunderstanding and that it hoped it would be able to return the donated 1.7 billion dollars over the next 50 years.
Photo Credits from Flickr: Sean Wallis, Gothphil, Josh Clark, Ken Mayer and Underthesun.