Here at the HolyJuan house, the only way to get our kids to eat eggs is to make Hobo Eggs for them. I'm sure it's because it is cool looking and interactive. Here's how we do it:
Slice of bread
Frying pan
Narrow glass
Grab a slice of bread and put it on a plate:
Butter it, one side only:
If you try to butter both sides, you'll get most the butter sticking to the plate. Just butter one side.
Now, get your narrow glass. Make sure it doesn't breach the crust or you will have a broken dam egg situation. A shot glass is too small. A tumbler is too big. I suggest a Star Wars glass. "Egg or egg not, there is no egg beaters.":
Now, force the glass down through the bread to create a tiny bread circle:
Now, go back in time and put your frying pan on the stove on medium heat. Good! Now, drop a dollop of butter in the pan and wait for it to melt. Drop the circle of bread on it butter side up:
Now do the same with the bread. Get enough butter in the pan to make a bread sized pool of melted butter and drop your big slice of bread on it butter side up:
I usually add a little more butter in the middle, just to make sure:
Now, add the egg. Crack it first:
Flip both:
Make sure you don't cook the yolk all the way though so the small round piece can be used for dipping:
And that is how you make a Hobo Egg!
Next week, Pressed Duck.
The Saddest Spoon OR Beloved Silverware Found
My co-worker, Hugh, found this spoon below at the Goodwill Store. (Side Story - We have a project that requires a large amount of spoons and he went to the Goodwill to buy them. As he was checking out with every spoon in the store, the lady said, "You can't buy all these spoons." Hugh asked why. She said, "Because then we won't have any spoons if someone else wants to buy them." In the end, he lied and said he was buying them for an old folks home kitchen and she bought it, so he bought the spoons.)
The backside says, "To my First, Last and Only True Love"
The bottom of the handle has a small hole for mounting or possibly a necklace. |
The spoon is engraved, "Susie, Will You Marry Me?" along with the date in 2012.
The backside says, "To my First, Last and Only True Love"
I see two scenarios:
Scenario One: This poor schmuck asked Susie to marry him and she said, "No way, spoon boy." He then gave the spoon to Goodwill in the hopes to write off his misery on his taxes."
Scenario Two: Susie said , "Yes," but that when they moved in together the spoon was lost when they gave away all their worldly possessions, because with this kind of spoon loves, they only need each other and this piece of silverware. So if you know the owners, let me know and we can try to get it back to them.
I really hope it is scenario two.