Erik Eats Haw Flakes: Of Flatness, Fruit Arises

Who knew that stomach pumping could take a toll on one's body? Well, Erik. Erik knows. So let's disperse with the sad remembrances of the last Erik Eats Lead Paint and move on to something better:

Haw Flakes

What sounds like a cereal is actually something else. Let's take a look.

Inside the package it looks like 10 individually wrapped tubes.

The nutritional information tells us that there is absolutely no nutritional value to this food. I guess that means it is Erik Eats Worthy©.

Erik opens the package.

Erik tries harder to open the package.

Erik gets tired of fucking around.

Ah haw! His knife wielding skills reveals a cylindrical package.

I'm going to ignore the fact that the ingredients on the package say "baw" instead of "haw."

What's this!?

It seems the Haw Flakes people have STOLEN the copyrighted Erik Eats Thumbs Up© logo! You bastards! It is spot on.

Instead of suing, Erik takes the high road and uses the symbol to help him get ready for his Teal'c from Stargate SG-1 Halloween costume.
Erik as Teal'c

Teal'c as Teal'c

Opening the package...

...reveals flat discs of red.

The discs are great for sharing!

Erik Eats...

...and tastes

The verdict...

The haw flakes discs are sweet and crumbly in the mouth. Delicious!

And since the packages looked so much like fireworks, we decided to light one to see what would happen.

Taste Explosion!


Anonymous said...


photo-boy said...

how was it? ehehe... it taste nice right? im missing that..

photo-boy said...

i can still remember the photographic memories of my childhood eating haw flakes.... i think we dont call it haw flakes, i think it has a different name... hmm :)

bloggerl said...

ha ha you're quite funny,thanks for the first thing in the morning chuckles buddy.

b3L!Tun6 said...

That's your product or something else?
When I was kid, I liked to eat that, hahaha..
So yummy..hehe...
Do u sell it?hehe...
Btw ,i wanna ask u with this aplication in this blog, ..
Is it your comment application from blogger or u add gadget?
because in my blog, someone else cannot give comment ii my post,..

Anonymous said...

Haha <--- that means, hilarious, truly! Congrats on your blog of note mention!

Steve said...

Haha this was really funny. Good things there's a "Blogs of Note" section - you can find something worth reading!


quite humorous

Jonathan said...

haha your blog is funny!


Mannix said...

Now that's storytelling at it's finest!

Unknown said...

But what do they TASTE like?

Queen of the Rant said...

I love it, you are hilarious, surely worth the blog to note, will have to follow you...

Anonymous said...


Chris @ Kelly said...

this is something i used to eat during my childhood days :)

Anonymous said...

Note that "gourmet" haw flakes are larger.
Note, also, they may be deadly.

Wiedy said...

Haha, nice :)

Mei said...

Haha! This post made me laugh and remember when I used to eat haw flakes as a kid! Might have to pop along to Chinatown and buy some!!

Also congrats on being a blog of note :-)

sarah toa said...

Wicked! Someone else has discovered Haw Flakes and finds them just as tasty as I do! (Wish I'd written something as funny about them at the time but anyway ...) Good post. Quite splendid in fact.

Unknown said...

haw flakes are delicious!

"Professor" M. said...

I have never before heard of haw flakes, but after such a thorough review of said red disks, I may just have to find some and light them on fire as well. Hilarious and informative!

Annah said...

Erik stops fucking around and brings out the knife. bahahhaha :)

carensmoja said...

so funny... isn't that tamarind? we the same thing here in our country, the packaging is different though... :)

Cecilia said...

When my cousins and I were 3 yrs old (back in the 70's), we had all gone to the Philippines for our grandfather's funeral. Because we were attending so many masses with our parents at the time, playing "communion" actually became a game.

I remember skipping laps around our grandparents' huge house, stopping each time we passed the living room to stop and give each other communion.

...With haw flakes.

Then our moms caught us and told us to stop.

HolyJuan said...

I think more people would go to church if communion wafers were made out of haw flakes.

madd said...

yeah i'm agree with the others ... you're so funny dude ...

Anonymous said...

this is the way a blog should be! thanks!