Fake Dispatch

Fake Dispatch is a semi-irregular posting of all the fake news that Twitter has to offer. If you are tired of the real news posting fake news, then come to the Fake Dispatch to get your fill of the fake news posting fake news. I’m not going to lie to you: I’m going to lie to you.

If I send you a DM with "Thinking of you" in it, it means my Tweet was based on something you said.

If you are mentioned as a cub reporter, it is my way or RTing something you said.

I should have badges for this, but I don't.  I am pretty lazy.

Follow me at @Fake_Dispatch on Twitter!

@Fake_Dispatch… pissing off mostly everyone, one fake headline at a time.

You can contact me at FakeDispatch@gmail.com. I do not have a lawyer so you cannot sue me.

(@Fake_Dispatch is HolyJuan and HolyJuan is unapologetic.)

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