Noah's Greatest Challenge


  1. Anonymous3:09 AM

    So, I am still curious how one man got 2 of every creature on earth onto one boat without them killing each other or him. Come to think of it, I am just curious how one man got 2 of EVERY creature on earth onto ONE boat. You think this might maybe be just a story?

  2. Anonymous11:46 PM

    You're just trying to start an argument. If there's a will, there's a way. Anything is possible. Ex: Your dumb ass figured out not only how to turn on a computer, but to type on a keyboard as well. Now, that's a miracle.

  3. Ha ha. Your god is dumb. Killed off every thing on the planet except a boat full of animals just to make a point.

  4. Anonymous10:16 PM

    doesnt sound dumb to me, sounds like he's someone you dont want to piss off.

  5. Are we talking about Thor or Cthulhu?
