Washington Gas Light Company Sends $0.01 check

@athikerpickle got a check from the Washington Gas Light Company for $0.01. One measly cent.

They sent it in the mail which cost $0.44. They also processed the check which probably cost a few cents as well. If you think about the trees cut to make the paper and the chemicals to make the magnetic ink and carbon footprint of the processing; this check for one cent put a hole is the ozone the size of 2,486 football fields.

Luckily for the Washington Gas Light Company, they probably own a logging company, a magnetic ink company and a company that will sell you carbon credits for a small, outrageous fee. In sending this check, they made $1.3 million dollars.

Thanks @athikerpickle!


  1. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I wish your posts had a "like" button like facebook does, because often times I find myself just wanting to post things like "good" or "agreed" or "funny" after reading your posts, but that's really a waste of 0's and 1's...and in this economy, can we afford that?

  2. Carbon footprint? That's a laugh. Global warming is a lie.

  3. Omni, from your hair alone, you are raising the temperature of the earth a few degrees because you are HOT!

    Really. I'm not kidding. You are melting the polar caps with that stringy, messy, unwashed mop of a hairdo.

  4. At least I have the testicular fortitude to have a picture up. Get your birkenstocks and hug a tree. Do a post about how polar bears' tears might make the sea rise to sink Florida into the ocean.

  5. I am not good looking and do not want to upset me readers with photos of myself.

    You on the other hand, with your fort balls and shirt off handsomeness could make Jesus weep for a second time.
