The List of Things I Have Not Said On Facebook

Just like you, I am on Facebook. And also just like you, I have stupid friends who leave inane status updates that I would love to reply to and cannot because we probably wouldn't be friends anymore. Maybe that would be a good thing. Here is a list of things I have not said on Facebook in reply to my friends:

I am too short to ride your emotional roller coaster.

Your cause sucks.

No. You are nothing like any of the characters from Disney.

Your diet is a pyramid scheme.

Please fight with your husband at home.

You just ran eight miles? My ass you did.

Of course you want a drink… you are an alcoholic.

Just get a new cat.

Now there are 24 more things about you I didn't want to know.

Fucking read before you post that shit. Idiot!

Your job does suck and your boss reads your FB page.

Yes, you are that guy.

Thanks! I was going to look outside to see that the weather was shitty, but now I’ll find something else to do.

I thought you were a racist before and now I know. Thanks for the clarification.

You are not 18 anymore. Nor are you 26 or even 35. Just quit it.

You have no idea what feckless means.

I am thankful that the 30 days of this are up.

Holy crap, I think I can see your tits in that photo.

That tattoo looks like complete shit.

Third time's a charm, dumbass.


  1. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Yes I am too a Princess!!!!!

  2. wow, that was a beautiful post.

  3. It's just amazing and inspiring what you've done with your imaginary farm. Especially since the mob is after you and all.

  4. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Brilliant, Tracy!

  5. Wow. I must have exceptionally smart and interesting Facebook friends because I don't need to say any of those things to them.

  6. Orange, you are my hero. Keep fighting the good fight.

  7. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Great Post! By the way, what are your 24 things about you that I don't want to know. Oh, wait, I read your blog regularly so it a lot more than 24 already. --Loy

  8. Anonymous6:47 PM

    ...and I don't want to join your fucking mob, nor do I give a shit about your imaginary farm animals.

  9. I think half of those are directed at me

  10. Public Notice: Sedgehurst will be stealing some of these lines and re-using them on Facebook per the creative commons guidelines under US Commercial Code 140.5.U_Cant-D0-4nyth1ng//aboutit##.

  11. Yeah....It's not the majority of friends on myspace that I feel the need to say these things too, but there are a few....*LOL* I tried honest before,(cuz I don't wanna be 2-faced or phoney) even saying it the most tactful way....and these few still got offended, and stopped talking to me for a few weeks-months. *LOL*

  12. Yes, I've wanted to say some of those things, and I'm very sure my friends have wanted to say them to me!

  13. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Get new friends.

  14. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Please just get over it already. Great, you love her, fan-fucking-tastic.
    That, and get a fucking room.

  15. I think you are commenting on the wrong post, dumbass.

  16. Never been there, never will.7:17 PM

    what is facebook?
