Cheese Plate's

I spent too much time trying to decide if the first one was grammatically correct before I noticed the second one.


  1. The first e's and the second e's were not written by the same bad grammarian.

    What we have here is a copycat language murderer. Bring in vice.

  2. No way... check out the "a" in both plates. SAME!!!

  3. Anonymous1:33 AM

    's means that the plate is. That is what is wrong with this picture. The correct word is 'plates'.

  4. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Just come and live in a small Texas town and you'll see the best grammar and spelling that you've ever imagined - they have lots of 'Hugh Garage sales' down here and Wendy's was hiring 'mangers' at one point (that one was up on their marquee for about a month, excellent!).

  5. I would allow them to get away with the first one. They are serving a cheese plate and the Cheese Plate's a buck fifty.

    I'd walk up to the counter and say, "How much for a cheese plate?" The chick would say, "Cheese plate's a buck fify."

    Instead of asking, I just look at the sign.

    This place probably only made one anyways knowing no one would eat it.

  6. My in-laws insist that "you" cannot be a plural word, so every card they send us is modified to "you's".

  7. Anonymous12:32 PM

    The apostrophe would also denote possession. The plate is referring to the plate's $1.50 ;)

    "Plate is" would be incorrect.
    "Belong to plate" is incorrect.
    Plates is the correct grammatical verbiage. Just ask teach ;)

