HolyJuan's First and Only Ever Caption Contest

Please enter your caption for the following photo in the comments section below. The winner gets a free HolyJuan framed business card. Good luck!


  1. -Uhhh, sir...when Mrs. Ted said she wanted something long and hard and two feet around, I don't think that's what she meant.
    -What do you mea—hey! Where the devil did you did you get those shoes in the year 1894? And what's a Reebok?

    i fully intend to make another submission after i've had a full night's rest. you're pumped, i can tell.

  2. You might have all ready won.

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Doug's attempts to teach the retarded blacksmith's son the definition of a circle's radius was futile. Especially when he was so distracted by the cosby sweater.

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Rimming 100. Sign up for our 1 on 1 classes.

  5. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Silly Ted, that's not the hoop and stick stick, that's the graces stick.
    A young Ted Kaczynski teaches a local boy about the blast radius of mailbombs.

  6. Anonymous3:05 PM

    "So let me get this straight, if I shinny up Paul Bunyan and put his cock ring on every day, I could have calves like yours?"
    "It's worked for me, just make sure you use the ring horn."

  7. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Shortly after his demonstration, young Andy did sit on Bob's lap to try out his new game. Sadly, this Amish village no longer welcomes outsiders.

  8. Like a hot dog in a hallway.

  9. You should go to a doctor to get that checked out.

  10. Now show me on this barrel hoop where the blacksmith touched you.

  11. Welp, the contest is over. Segehurst wins!
