WESTERVILLE OH- David Ribley thought all he got was 35 cents in change at the gas station. Upon a closer look, he realized that he had received an unusual quarter. "I've been a collector for 14 years and haven't seen anything this amazing before. I'm not sure how this made it past the mint's quality control." Mr. Ribley allowed us to photograph the coin to share with our readers.

As you can see the quarter on the left is normal. The quarter on the right has been stamped upside down.
Mr. Ribley currently has no plans to sell the coin. "I call it the Upside Down George. For now I'm gonna keep it. This is too valuable to put a price on." When asked what he might sell it for he replied, "At least a hundo. Maybe two."
please stop. you are not as funny as you think.
you probably could have done a better troll if you took the time to photoshop a quarter inverted (maybe by making the head upside down but the lettering normal) than by just taking a picture of an upside down quarter.
so, in otherwords, you fail at trolling.
I have to apologize to my readers. It turns out that this story is completely fake! I was duped by a local coin collector and I am very sorry to have disappointed you all.
I'm really mad at myself because I bought the quarter for two hundo.
I thought this was pretty funny.
David Ribley sounds like a tool...
You almost...almost...got me on this one. But, hey, I'm not as stupid as I look. Uh...I mean.....
For once I didn't fall for one of your jokes-success... You are definitely teaching me not to be so gullible that is for sure :)
Pretty fucking funny. The follow-up apology in the comments is awesome.
I started for my quarter jar to see if I had any...but was too tired to get out of bed. Thankfully I kept reading before I was made a complete fool believing every word you say.
You almost got me on that one Juan.A-L-M-O-S-T.
This was obviously a joke, you fucking idiots.
Happy Sunday, that is all.
Love, Twitter
I found a dime with the front printed on the back and the back printed on the front. How much do you think it's worth?
It is worth 2/5th of what the inverse quarter is worth.
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