Hillary needs $5... make that $10 or $4600

I was clicking through CNN and thought it was funny that there was a "Contribute $5 to Hillary" advertisement next to a story about Obama.

So I clicked the link and the Clinton page came up so that I could donate my hard working, white man dollars, but...

$5 is nowhere to be seen.

I see $10 and I see $4600, but $5 just ain't gonna cut it anymore!

From what I read, she'll need to trick an additional 2 million people into giving $10 or 4348 people into giving $4600 just to break even on her campaign debt. Good luck!


  1. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Other...5$...or even 1$...Use your mind dude

  2. No shit stud. I'm just suggesting that you'd think she'd put a $5 option.

    And in the states, we put the dollar sign before the amount champ.

  3. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Nice post Doug

  4. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Leave Hillary ALONE!! She knows the value of an American dollar. Which is why the $5 option is the new $10--scratch that--$20 dollar choice. Oops, it's dropped in value again. Better grease those wheelbarrows up

  5. Anonymous10:36 AM

    You should submit the first screen shot to http://bbspot.com/bbloopers/ to expand the web empire of the Holy One.
