Venus al la Orange

I took this photo in 1993 in Valencia Spain. Someone stuck two oranges on top this statue.

Let me tell you first hand that the oranges directly from the trees in Valencia taste like crap.


  1. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Odd, I always thought that they would taste like goodness.

  2. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Valencia oranges make the absolute best possible marmalade.

  3. While the brand name "Valencia Oranges" may taste good, the ones from the trees in the city are horrible.

  4. Anonymous10:39 AM

    They put a special chemical on them so people won't pick them and the trees will continue to be beautiful. Or so said some local Spaniard when I was there (Spring 2007). The free OJ the Valencian Ayuntamiento gave out at certain festivals was delicious however.
