How they tow cars in Paris

When John and I were in Paris, we saw this:

The "tow truck" came along, the driver opened the illegally parked car with a Slim Jim, rolled down both windows, ran a chain through, hooked it to the crane, and then set the smaller car on top the other two he had on the flatbed.


Joel said...

That's hardcore.

Anonymous said...

Typical Parisian courtesy. I'm sure in his mind the tow truck operator was doing a favour to the guy by not doing worse.

Paulo M. said...

They only do that to *abandoned* cars (those which are parked on the same spot for a long time).

Anonymous said...

fishy... that picture seems to have been taken in the 80's..

HolyJuan said...

Yeah, it was a while ago. 1993 to be exact.