Unemployed stuff to do list


  1. Ha ha mate I defiantly do lot of number 6.

    Great post.

    James Powell

  2. Number is the item I alwasy get stuck on....... Hang on, I'll google it!!

  3. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Hi there.

    I wanted to subscribe to your blog feed with my Bookmarks Toolbar Folder using Firefox but couldn't find the correct rss to your blog. Eventually I found it in your source code as

    Maybe you could put a button in case you're losing out on people wanting to subscribe to your geat blog.


  4. I think I fixed it... wait. No I didn't.

    Just a minute...

  5. I got a list. When I went to print it I was out of ink. I had to take my mower to the pawn shop and got just enough for the ink cart. I got the $3.00 all day bus ticket but the driver was bitchy about me lugging the fookin Toro on board. I have a handicapped pass so he kind of let it go. Then, when I got to the store with my pawn money, they only had the duo offer one color cart/one B/W. I do have a health care spending card so I go over the check out and convince some one to let me purchase a qualifying item for them. It took three different purchases but I got the difference. I got back to my stop and and as I looked across the street, I saw my downstairs neighbor at the south bound stop, so I went over and sold my all day ticket to her for a $1.50. As I was digging around for change for her $2.00, I asked her to hold my bag with the carts in it. I handed her the change just as the bus arrived and she turned and got on with my carts.

    I hate my life.


  6. Hehe, looks almost exactly like my list!...

  7. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Wow...I guess you have been too busy to email your fans then....

    Anonymous.(the real one)

  8. I promise to be a better hero.

  9. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Wow, I'm currently unemployed and I looked at that list and well...More true than I can imagine.

    Except #7. Tell the boyfriend I sent out "like hundreds of resumes"
    There is a "Browse Reddit" and other stuff on the list too

  10. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I only start to worry when your day sounds much more productive (and I work! - agh!)

  11. You are a funny bastard.

  12. Strangely I do #6 most of the day at work.

  13. Good list. I printed it out and will consult it the next time I am unemployed!

  14. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Gee, it has worked for me since 2003.

    She might just be catching on...

  15. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Ugh! Is this what I have to look forward to? It's only been a week, and I'm already running out of things to do.

  16. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but these guys just ripped you off:


  17. Ha! I just did a search:


    It's all over the place. That's my early ignorance about not watermarking or putting my name on my original material.

    Lesson learned.

  18. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Just a couple of things missing from the list:

    a) Find out why all the commercials for Devry University and becoming a medical billing specialist are on from 12pm-3pm, and 12am-3pm

    and b) memorize every episode of [insert anime series here] played on Adult Swim

  19. Anonymous10:04 PM

    oops, I meant 12am-3am.

  20. Sometimes I create lists like this just to have the satisfaction of crossing them out...or crumpling them up. Either way, humor and unemployment are a great pair.

  21. hahaha...oooh yes how i luv being unemployed! well except for when its bill time or when i cant stand eating p&j's or top ramen anymore
    or even worse, when i have to take my change to the coinstar for gas and a 99cent mcfuckmylife sandwhich...damn i need a job

  22. Gosh you're funny! :) TY!

  23. haha. This is indeed a list made of Juan, the Filipino man who resembles laziness. haha. Love this list.


  24. Anonymous8:44 AM

    But how can #8 be checked off already? He couldn't check it off until he posted the rest of it! MIND BLOWN!
