A few months ago, I posted a series of e-mails between a 419 Scammer and my hotmail Frank Stein account.
Since that time, my e-mail address has been shared with the entire 419 Scammer community and I get 1 – 2 scam e-mails each day. At some point I knew I would reply to one of them.
Mr. John Freeman caught my eye. Frank Stein responded. As it turns out, Frank is a very religious and somewhat forgetful man.
Here is our continuing correspondence.
The e-mails are separated by dashed lines. Any editorial comments are written {between brackets.}
From: jfreemann009@hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 15:00:47 +0000
From: Mr. John Freeman
Tel: +44 703-196-4536
Personal email address: johnfreeman00006@yahoo.co.jp
Hello Friend,
I want to bring to your knowledge of a very lucrative business opportunity that I have. Well I work as an agent that accompanies contractors funds to be paid to them and one of my fellow official by name…
… I will be expecting your reply today and also a call on 44 703-196-4536 and please send to me your phone and fax number if interested. Below is the webpage of the Diplomat where the consignment of money is safeguarded. www.diplomaticdeliveryservices.net
Mr. John Freeman
NOTE: If you think that this a SCAM or a JOKE. Please i advised you dont reply this email, because i want to avoid embarrassment and wastening my precious time and yours. FINALLY, I WILL WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT THIS TRANSACTION MIGHT REQUIRE/COST YOU SOME AMOUNT OF MONEY WHICH I CANT TELL FOR NOW.
Sent: Mon 5/21/07 12:19 PM
To: johnfreeman00006@yahoo.co.jp
Dear Mr. Freeman,
Please allow me to help you with this project. I am retired and have nothing but time to spend helping you to secure these dollars.
God be praised if this works out!
Yours in the Lord,
Tue, 22 May 2007 14:38:34 +0100
From: johnfreeman0006@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Hello Frank, Thanks for the prompt respond
Hello Frank,
Thanks for the prompt respond towards the email i sent to you. As, i rightly told you in my first email that this project is going to cost some amount of money in getting it executed, that was why i contacted you and also your sincerity and understanding.
I have spent alot of money in making sure that the consignment is safe and secured. So, i believe the cost of getting it executed financially will not be that much because i have spent alot. So, get back to me if you are ready to assist me financially. I want you to bear in mind that this project is 100% risk free. Infact we are going to rejoice and celebrate together at the end of the project. It is also an opportunity that will change the both of us life postively.
Send me your information which i requested for if you are ready to do this with me, imean assistting me financially. Your full name, contact address where the consignment will be delivered to and you phone number, so that i can give you a phone call. Finally, you made mention that you are retired but considering the huge amount of money involve in this which i have agrred to give you 40% of the total 11miilion contain in the consignment at the end. So, you can still try as much as you can in assitting me financially, okay. Expect you are not reday to help.
You can also give me a phone call on +44-703-196-4536. I will be expecting to recieve your reply today and also a phone call.
John Freeman
Hello John,
Is there any proof you can give me that you are who you say you are? A photo ID or your passport?
As Jesus is your savior, your proof of identity will guide His hand.
Join me in prayer:
Lord, you light guides my hand and heart
Doth thou live in the amnesty of the charity of His and His only?
Mary the mother and her only Son be praised
To all the Saints and Bretheren of HolyJuan and Saint Paul.
Let this money go to your cause and the bigness that it your hugeness.
Praise God,
Frank Stein
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 15:09:40 +0100
From: johnfreeman0006@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Hello Frank, Yeah my passport. That is if you are ready to assist me financially
Hello Frank,
If You are ready to assist me financially in this, then i will send you a scan copy of my internation passport.
John Freeman
Dear Mr. Freeman,
The Lord frowns upon you this day.
A truthful man in the eyes of God would have sent me proof of identity without question.
Beware God's wrath if you are lying!
God has provided me with wealth in this lifetime and with His help, he will to you, but I must have proof you are who you say you are. SATAN BE OUT WITH THE LIARS!
Pray with me:
Dear Lord, bless this man in his quest for financial dollars and cash.
In your loving name,
Frank Stein
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 18:16:46 +0100
From: johnfreeman0006@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Hello Frank, Something tells me that you are the right person to do this project with
Hello Frank,
Am not a liar. Am a very striaght and sincere person. I will scan and send you a copy of my passport. The reason i asked question first is to be sure that i have met the right person to assist me in executing the project.
As, you know that the consignment contain millions of dollars and considering the lot of money i have spent in making sure that very necessary logitics is been taken care of, one need to be careful.
Something tells me that i have seen the right person to do this project with sucessful and that person appear to be sincere and trustworthy. Infact that person is no other one but Mr Frank Stein.
Please, can you give me a phone call so that we can talk.
John Freeman
Hello John,
'Do not allow anyone but God judge this man as long as he remains on Earth.' Thesolonians 32:31
I will not judge your honesty, I will let the Lord do that, fine sir. I do seem to trust you as much as you trust me.
'Let he who follows that path of truth be the guide to God's right hand.' James 12:22
Sadly, my home phone does not allow me to call overseas. Do you have an office in the United States that I could call?
'The lifeblood of Jesus will clean the pathways of your heart' - Jerry Falwell
Please let me know if you have an alternate phone number.
Frank (please call me by my first name.)
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 19:14:22 +0100
From: johnfreeman0006@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Hello Frank, Attach is my picture and my late duaghter
Hello Frank,
I got your email and i thank you for the encouraging word. I don't have any other number outside United Kingdom.
Maybe you should give me your phone number so that i can call you and we talk.
I attach a picture of I and my late daughter. I would have scan and send you my passport not my scanning is bad not will definately send it tomorrow to you. Remember to give me your phone number so that i can give you a call.
John Freeman

Hello John,
Your daughter is late? I assume you mean she is late in her menstrual cycle! I hope congratulations are in order on her pregnancy!
When my daughter was late, we caught the bastard that got her pregnant and beat the Lord right into him.
I hope your daughter enjoys her pregnancy!!! I hope you have a boy!
God Bless!
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 11:18:26 +0100
From: johnfreeman0006@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Hello Frank, Get back to me
Hello Frank,
How are you doing today, hope fine. Thanks for the reply. When i say that my daughter is late,i mean she is died.
Are you ready to do this project. Get back to me immediately. Time is not on our side.
If you are ready, then send me the informations i requested for so that i can write a comprehenssive letter to the diplomat about you. I mean your full name, contact address where the consignment will be delivered and phone number for effective communication.
John Freeman
Brother John,
Died? Oh forgive me sir! My mind does wander...
Let us pray for your lovely deceased daughter:
Lord, you giveth and you taketh away. You give glory with one hand and strike down the serpent that is the Devil with the other. Take this child into your loving arms and hold her close but not so close the the fire of your soul burns her precious wings off and then she must then drink of your repentant blood to regrow them in your name we pray. Amen.
I'm very sorry. In our last e-mail, you said that you were going to give me a number in the United States so that I can call you. You may not know this but my phone does not call internationally.
Please let me have the number of your office in the United States or Canada.
I have attached a photo of myself at the Law Office before I retired.
Praise be to Jesus Lord Savior and Gracious God,
Frank Stein

Hello Frank,
Thanks for the prayer. I know you can't call international number, that was why i ask you to give me your phone number so that i can call you. My phone has international calling access.
Send me your information together with the phone number so that i can write an application to the diplomat abot you. The informations you are to send are your fiull name, contact address where the consignment will be deliverd to and your phone number.
Take a look at the attach docunment. It is the Certificate of deposit that was given to me at the day of deposit. Remember to send me your informations and your phone number if you are ready to assist me financially.
John Freeman
Greetings Brother John,
Your attachment did not come through. Please try and resend if you get a chance. I trust you, but would like to see some form of proof of the money transaction and your word to God and his savior Jesus.
Here is my Social Security Number: 078-05-1120 {This is the most misused SS number of all time}
My full name is: Frank Ken Stein
My phone number here is: (202)606-2423 - I run a small, part time waste disposal company, but this is the best number to catch me at. {This is the US Government number for fraud and waste}
Please try to call during daylight hours in the United States of America.
I will give you my address once I see some additional proof.
Let me say this under the eyes of God... if this is a lie, may the Lord have mercy on your soul! Back in 1973 I had a good friend double cross me. I prayed for the Lord's vengeance and three weeks later he died from a horrible bowel obstruction. In his dying eyes I thanked the Lord for his vengeance.
In God be praised,
--UPDATED 5-25-07---------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 18:27:11 +0100
From: johnfreeman0006@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Hello Frank, I just called the number you gave to me it ranged and ranged
Hello Frank,
I just called the number you gave to me, it was ranged and ranged nobody was picking it up. It is 6.26pm here in United kingdom.
Am still expecting to hear from you so that we can proceed.
John Freeman
{These are two photos he attached to the e-mail.}


{This photo file was simply named COD. They are both at the resolution I received them in.}
Hello John,
May the Lord meet and greet you with kindness and the love of his only SON, Jesus.
You will have to forgive me for not answering the phone. I have a lower bowel obstruction and when the Lord tells me it's time to go to the bathroom... Jesus be Praised, it's time to go. I will sit there on the toilet for two to three hours at a time. Grunting hymns to the Lord's mercy! I betcha Jesus on the cross didn;t sweat it out as much as I do in the bathroom. Jesus be Praised!
So if I do not answer, please call back. I do need to speak about this with you.
You may not know this, but my phone can not call internationally. Do you have a phone number in the United States that I can call?
Pray with me now:
Oh Lord, within this my Brother's phone call passage make way for the rush of fecal matter that is cut from the body from the nourishment of which you provided in the form of buffalo wings and salsa and potato wedges with cheese. Let this so on and pass and so on leave to touch the face of God.
Frank Stein (Please call me Frank.)
PS God be praised! The photo of the money and the document came through clear as daylight when God created the earth. Hi, my name is Frank Stein. My voice is my passport. Verify me. In the name of the LORD!
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 12:21:19 +0100
From: johnfreeman0006@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Hello Frank, I will be expecting your information today
Hello Frank,
I will give you a call later today, maybe 8am or 9am your time. If truly you are ready to assist me financially in getting this project executed then send me your contact address where the consignment of money will be delivered to so that i can write an application to the diplomat about you.
I expect to hear from you today.
John Freeman
Hello John,
Today is a bad day to call.
I am upset that you do not realize that it is a very Holy day. Today is the Assumption of Fervor Repugnance St. Juan his Holiness Day! Are you not a Christian man? I will be busy in my prayer hut all day.
Please kneel and pray with me now. Kneel!!
Dear Lord,
Upon this day which thou suggesteth be holy, we reach out to you and your most holy and beautiful Self and bathe in your light and darkness and thus your shade. Lord, crush thine enemies with your taint and lay waste to their picnic baskets and coolers filled with nourishment and juice boxes. Lord we beseech thee.
Please call on Monday. I'm, not sure if you know this or not, but my phone does not call internationally.
I am very excited about the money. Together, in God's grace, this project will go through!!
In my loving arms,
Frank Stein
--UPDATED 6-5-07---------------------------------------------------------------
{Brother John did not write back for several days after this, so I prompted him with a little teaser letter.}
God frowns upon you this day my friend.
You promised me money and yet you turn away from the face of your father.
Either call me with the details or tell me that you have found another caretaker of cash.
Pray with me:
Dear Lord, this nest of snakes cannot be undone with out the hand of God and the such for with thou art.
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 12:37:42 +0100
From: johnfreeman0006@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Hello Frank, Do you still want to assist me financially in this project
Hello Frank,
I travelled out of the state for a meeting that was why i haven't been able to check my email. I called the phone number you gave to me severals times but it keep ringing and nobody will pick it up.
I thought you are no longer interested in assistting me financially in getting this project executed. Well, if you sincere want to assist me financially as i have wanted you to do, then you send me your full name, contact address where the consignment will be delivered to, so that i can write a comprehensive application to mthe diplomat about you.
I will be expecting you to send me the informations today,okay.
John Freeman
Dear Brother Freeman,
I am sorry for not trusting you! Please forgive me with all my heart and soul. With trust all men are brothers. In hate, all men are sisters.
I'm not sure if you know this, but my phone does not call overseas. I've tried calling you from a phone booth, but it takes almost $50 dollars worth of quarters to call you. So far I have called your number eight times and some one with some jibba jabba language answered. Luckily I have a big bowl of quarters!
Please try me at this number (202) 324-3000. {This is the number for the FBI.}It is the office where I do a bit of side work with patients that have torn their wrists and hands. Hit the “0” button and tell the receptionist that you need to speak with Frank Stein in the Tear Wrist department.
Friend, I have a lot of money on my own, but I want to help you to get me more money so that I can give it back to God. Please call me at the above number as soon as possible so that God can get some cash.
Let us pray together:
Lord, Thy brethern seeks to reach me on your heavenly hotline. Let his voice be turned into a digital arrow that flies straight to the phone target and not stray from the path and hit the voice mail which would be the Devil's Due.
Amen and Praise Jesus!!!
Frank Stein
PS If the voice mail picks up, hit the # key, then 1. Then hit 1337 and the * key twice. Wait for the beep and enter in my special extension #42. If it does not go though, hit the # key twice to get you back to the main menu. Dial 664-0998 and the * key. Wait for the beep and then hit the @ key once.
--UPDATED 6-6-07---------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 12:57:51 +0100
From: johnfreeman0006@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Hello Frank, send me your information immediately,okay.
Hello Frank,
I called the number you gave to me and it was a wrong number. I want you to forward to me your informations, if you are ready to do this project with me. In your next email i will be expecting the informations, I mean your full name, contact address where the consignment will be deliver to and a direct phone number that i can reach you with at any time of the day.
You are wasting much time over this project and time is not on ourside. So, send me your information immediately,okay.
I will have to write the application to the diplomat about you today and also give you the contact detail of the diplomat to contact him and ask for the release and delivery of the consignment to you at your home town.
John Freeman
Hello John Freeman,
I will give you my home address and phone number as soon as I can see a scan of your passport.
The photo of your dead daughter was very pretty, but I need real proof that this is you.
I have been scammed in the past. I have sent over $10,000 to four separate persons who needed my help in the past and I have not had good results!!
I am ready to help you, but will need to see the passport or identification scan. If we need to send documents back and forth, we will need to make sure that we use Fed-Ex or DHL so that documents can be tracked.
I also do not like to send cash. I will not do that again. All money transactions will need to be via Western Union. I am willing to send cash if the amount is less than $100, but no more than that.
Please send your Passport scan or ID scan so that we can proceed.
Please pray with me,
Lords of Light, though the moon may be split in two, may your son Ookla and Princess daughter Ariel and I strike down the Demon Dogs with your Sun Sword. In that, a strange new world rises from the old: a world of savagery, super science, and sorcery. Ookla, we ride!
Frank Stein
Ha! Great stuff.
The pic he attatched is just down the road from where I live.
Holy jesus, that is the funniest shit yet. I can't believe you sent him that pic.
You know, that guy from Dateline just did this thing about online scammers & then actually flew out to the UK to meet him & call him out on it. I mean, it was no Catch a Predator show, but it watch it if you get a sec. xoxo
Haha. Excellent work. I also get a few of these scammer emails each day. I was thinking about gathering their email addresses and sending them all bogus emails, hooking them up with porn websites, or something similar. The religious angle looks like it may work best.
This is so brilliant on your part.
a friend stumbled across is and we have laughed and laughed and laughed at this.
Love the pic of Andy Griffith.
speak with Frank Stein in the Tear Wrist department
Solid gold my friend, solid gold.
I read this entire blog to a room with 6 people. We were howling as I read through it. It is even funnier when you are reading it out loud.
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