John and guy I bought a beer for

john and guy I bought a beer for, originally uploaded by holyjuan.

We went to Brazenhead in Grandview for St. Patrick’s Day. It wasn’t Chicago, but it was a very good time. (Remind me to tell you about the Alphabet Girls.)

Towards midnight we noticed a tall dude. He knows he’s tall. Idiots probably remind him of it every day. Bigger idiots ask to get a photo taken with him. At least this guy is smart enough to make it worth his while. Once I asked him if he’d let us take his photo, he said yes, for a beer.

It was worth it.

Damn that dude is tall.


  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    isn't it amazing how Doug's head is still bigger than someone who's 7'1"! :)

  2. great blog. I love the Brazenhead. great food, great beer, and apparently, a few giants.

  3. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I love your blog. So much useful information. Thank you very very much.
